July 2017 Goals
- Be able to tell us when he needs to use the potty.
- Communicate more actions and phrases on his NovaChat such as 'all done', 'more', 'help'
- Learn some simple signs such as all done, potty and more. He just started doing more but not consistently.
- Continue to willingly make eye-contact with others, initiate play and play interactively.
- Mimic people's actions
- Stay with family when out in public
- Build up endurance so he doesn't tire out during outings and want to be picked up.
- Mimic back and forth communication with sounds
- Blow bubbles from a wand
George is 6 years old. Currently he is pre-verbal (which means we are still working on the foundations of speech with him). We believe we will hear his voice again. At 9 months he was beginning to babble: ma, ma, da da, ba ba and chick chick. Soon after that he regressed and we have not heard his voice since, except for some rare moments of b and g sounds.
George has much to learn and we believe Natural Play Therapy will help him get there. Below are some of our current goals we have for George to help him become more independent and ready to learn.
Current Goals - Start Date June 2013 July 2017 Updates in Red Below
- Initiate interactions with others - George initiates more and pays more attention in general to people now. He generally will turn and look at most people in the eye.
- Play interactively with people/siblings - George will play interactively when given the space and time he needs to connect.
- Willingly make eye-contact with others to communicate, connect and learn - This is happening more that it used to for sure.
- Mimic people's actions - George will mimic a little but it is very subtle.
- Play on his own without the need of videos - This is still a challenge but if he has a toy that makes music then he is happy, or just listening to music on the IPAD is great for him.
- Play with objects instead of throwing them - This is not an issue anymore unless he is trying to communicating something such as pain/frustration.
- Stay with family when out in public - This has just recently improved a little bit, we still have a ways to go.
- Respond to simple commands and his name consistently - Starting to see improvements with commands recently, still doesn't pay attention much when you call him by name.
- Mimic back and forth communication with sounds - Not yet
- Ask for what he wants with sounds or words - Not yet
- Touch food and be open to eating/chewing food - Much better. He will touch one type of dry cereal and put it in his mouth. He is beginning to chew chunked up fruit and veggies.
- Less sensitivity to noises like excessive laughing, crying - Better but still has issues off and on
- Eat with the family without stress to himself or Mommy - Yes! Doing great with this!
- Blow bubbles from a wand - Not yet
- Be able to tell us when he needs to use the potty - Better, he is getting closer with this!
4/26/14 Looking back we have seen many improvements for George since we began in June. One thing is that he is noticeably calmer. He does better in crowds of people and does actually look up at them to make eye-contact. He reaches his arms up to people to communicate he wants up and then he either wants to snuggle or desires us to get him something.
He is taking more interest in others and interacting with them. He will play more back and forth activities for small stretches such as rolling cars or trains, which he would just throw before. His throwing is much better. It seems he only does it now if he is really agitated about something and we are not able to tell what he needs.George is doing better staying with me in public. If he has a chewy tube to bite on it really helps. He still has to be watched carefully but it is noticeably better.
George will come into the kitchen most times if I ask if he wants his drink and he has had some random back and forth conversations with b and g.
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