Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's Official---George is Tooting Now

I have tried to get George to blow for several years now.  It is a skill that helps with speech.  I even ordered the whole 'blowing' speech kit with all sorts of blowing objects that are to be done in order of difficulty to refine this skill.  I lost interest in the kit when I could not get him to blow at all.

When we started Natural Play Therapy last year we just had fun modeling blowing by using bubbles, whistles, recorders and harmonicas.  Sometimes he would mouth the recorder but not blow.

Just about a month ago he began blowing.  I was hesitant to announce this because at first I thought it was a fluke and it may have been that he blew it accidentally at first.  I remember when my boys saw him do it in the living room and they got so excited.

Now he blows the recorder in the playroom with Rachel pretty regular now.  He blew on it with Caleb the other day and Caleb was surprised.  

The video below shows George blowing back and forth with me for the first time.  He was kind of having a fussy time when we were trying to video.  Nothing was really clicking.  Then I just sat in the corner to watch him play with Rachel and he joined me and we had a special moment of blowing!

Our next step will be to transfer this skill to blowing bubbles and other objects.  It will be fun to watch him make the connection that he can blow other objects and make things happen.

My next blog will feature video clips from all of George's wonderful team members!